Today we focus on the regulation surrounding artificial intelligence. As this technology has become increasingly integrated into our everyday lives, how have governments responded? We take a look at the AI regulatory landscape from 2016 to now, demonstrating how an increasing number of bills are being passed or at least considered.
AI related bills by country
The map below demonstrates how different countries are responding to advancements in AI. The data has been collected regarding how many bills have been passed by legislative bodies with the words “Artificial Intelligence” in the title or body of the bill. The US has passed the most AI related bills since 2016, at 22 which is quite far ahead of Portugal in second place. Most of the other top countries are based in Europe.
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How many AI related bills have been passed?
It is clear to see from below how as AI has become more prevalent, governments have responded by passing more bills to regulate the technology and protect the public. In 2022, 37 laws were passed globally, and this number is only expected to keep increasing.
Examples of AI related bills
The EU, UK and USA have either passed or proposed AI related bills recently. For example, the EU has proposed ‘The AI Act’ which categorises AI applications based on their individual level of risk. Those with unacceptable risk (such as China’s Social Credit System) would be banned. Unlike the EU’s bill, the US’ ‘AI Bill of Rights’ is non-binding and instead guides the implementation of AI. The example from the UK is more specific and focuses on protecting workers from being managed and monitored by AI.
See you on Wednesday for a newsletter on the companies still in Russia!
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