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Airbnb is a cancer that's SO CLEARLY biased against guests and for landlords - nowhere else do you get to pay as much in "cleaning fees" as the place costs.

You'll be paying $300+ in cleaning fees WHILE being forced to follow some rigid Karen's detailed 30 point list of exactly the things you, the guest, must clean up to avoid being fined an ADDITIONAL $300.

This is on top of an exhaustive list of "guest rules" that typically include such things as no music, no drinking, no guests, no children, no pets, etc etc. They literally want you to rent a place and sit quietly staring at a wall, making zero noise, or they'll fine you or kick you out. And I've found "noise detectors" and cameras and all sorts of things in various Airbnb's I've rented over the years that exist to spy and enforce this stuff.

I stopped using AIrbnb because of all this and just use hotels now, or find furnished listings on Zillow or FB if I'm staying longer term.

Why should I spend money on a platform that is so clearly and flagrantly biased against the guests using the platform? Airbnb needs to remember that it's in the "hospitality" business, not the "maximize landlords convenience, fees, and petty vindictiveness" business.

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